
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A TikToker's 'Flower Power' Moment: How a Marigold Seed Popped Out of Her Cheek After Three Weeks of Discomfort


In a story that has captivated millions on TikTok, Alexa Hendricks, a Kentucky-based influencer, shared the ordeal of having a marigold seed lodged in her cheek for three weeks. The mystery began when Hendricks was eating a salad with edible flowers at a New York City restaurant and felt a sharp particle stab and disappear into her left cheek. Despite multiple visits to the dentist and oral surgeon, no one could determine the cause of her discomfort.

As the days went by, Hendricks started to believe that the pain was simply due to trauma from the stab. However, a week ago, while driving to Topgolf and snacking on an apple, she suddenly felt the object again, and her jaw started to pinch and lock. That's when she decided to start filming and capture the moment for her followers.

Using her fingers to massage the area, Hendricks pushed her jaw forward, and the marigold seed popped out of her salivary gland. The relief was palpable, not just for Hendricks, but for her followers as well. Thousands of commenters shared their relief at the update, as if it had happened to them.

While the incident was undoubtedly traumatic, Hendricks has found solace in the outpouring of support from her followers. She's also received an apology from the restaurant that served her the salad, with the manager offering to cover her medical bills, a free meal, and some merchandise. Hendricks has accepted the gesture and is feeling a lot better this week.

Hendricks' saga is just one of many medical mysteries that have gone viral on TikTok in recent months. The platform has become a popular destination for people to share their health-related experiences, and Hendricks' story is a testament to the power of social media in bringing people together in unexpected ways.

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